Make sure to read this if you encounter any problem. If you problem is not here you can directly message me in discord Yami#0567
Why it is detected as Virus?
It is called False Positive detection due to its protection and it has no microsoft certificate
Can I log in my bot to another device?
The bot only accepts 1 serial key and be bounded to the device where you register the license key
I got banned from FPH, why?
Maybe you violate any rules from Rules (Strictly No Refund) if yes I will not reply to your message anymore.
Why is levelbot not working but it is detecting entities?
This only happens rarely but if you did encounter this make sure that you are not in Dungeon Map, Ticket Map, Tower when you started the bot
If you are inside the given items you should go back to madrigal first and start your bot there and go back to your previous location when you already attached the bot
Last updated